President’s Foreword: New views
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This article first appeared in the Winter 2025 issue of Soy Forward. Click here to read the digital issue.
Like clockwork, the new year has arrived.
It seems like just yesterday we were planting our 2024 crop, and now our equipment is tucked away, waiting until the snow melts come spring to be put back to work. But before the fields pull our soybean growers into the cab, it’s time to take a collective breath, reflect on 2024 and make a game plan for 2025.

WSA President Sara Stelter
Similarly, the Wisconsin Soybean Association (WSA) is gearing up for 2025 and has exciting plans in our playbook. First up? Wisconsin’s premier grower event – the Wisconsin Corn·Soy Expo! With an agenda full of educational breakout sessions and panels, the Kalahari Conference Center from Feb. 6-7 will be the place where crucial industry conversations are taking place. In addition to the many learning and networking opportunities, you won’t want to miss our keynote speakers, self-proclaimed “weather nerd” Eric Snodgrass and comedian Greg Warren.
And remember – WSA members earn a reduced Corn·Soy Expo registration rate. Membership is the lifeblood of WSA because checkoff dollars cannot be used for our advocacy efforts. Along with fundraising dollars, membership funds drive our soy mission forward. If you aren’t a member already, please consider investing in WSA. And, if you’ve already joined, thank you for trusting us to tell your story and fight for farm-friendly policies.
The new year comes with a fresh set of challenges and opportunities for farm organizations to address. As a new legislative session dawns, it’s critical that we consistently meet with state and national legislators, both new and incumbent. Change starts with communication. Our legislators don’t know what they don’t know, which is why WSA strives to be a key source of information. And, with so many unknowns looming in front of Wisconsin soybean growers, it’s important we amplify our voice. One way that happens is when growers across Wisconsin reach out to legislators and talk about how public policies are affecting their farming operations. When you have a few minutes, please reach out to your representatives. One phone call can have a significant impact.
While phone calls go a long way, face-to-face visits are instrumental in cultivating healthy working relationships with lawmakers. This spring, we anticipate participating in a “Day at the Hill” event with Wisconsin farmers, along with biofuels experts, to meet with our state representatives. WSA members are invited to attend, so if you’re interested, please keep it in the back of your mind. More information will be forthcoming.
Throughout the winter, please visit our website and watch the latest videos on our social media pages to engage on all things soy!
Have a wonderful start to your 2025. With a little luck, I’ll see you in February at the Wisconsin Corn·Soy Expo.
Sara Stelter
WSA President