WSA Resources

The Wisconsin Soybean Association works closely with the soybean industry in Wisconsin and nationwide.

American Soybean Association

ASA is the national advocacy group representing soybean farmers in Washington, D.C. The Wisconsin Soybean Association is a member of ASA and has two directors on the ASA board, Don Lutz and Tanner Johnson.

Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board

Your one-stop show for soybean checkoff news, research and initiatives. By law, soybean checkoff money cannot be spent on advocacy or lobbying efforts.

UW Soybean Extension Specialist, Dr. Shawn P. Conley delivers timely information on checkoff-funded research via articles and blogs. Dr. Conley serves as an industry partner on the Wisconsin Soybean Association board of directors.

Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom

The Wisconsin Soybean Association prides itself on not only teaching the youth, but providing resources, often in the form of volunteer hours, to teaching the teachers who lead our youth. We encourage our visitors to check in on the progress of this program and support it where possible.