soybean news

WSMB sponsoring ‘Fork to Farm’ event

Categories: WSMBPublished On: July 25, 20231.4 min read

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The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) is hosting a “Fork to Farm” event on Saturday, Aug. 12, in Wisconsin. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board (WSMB), the event takes place in west-central Wisconsin and includes a farm and identity preserved processing facility tour. Attendees include a trade team of food entrepreneurs and marketers from Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Kazakhstan. Farmers are also invited to attend.

SSGA’s Fork to Farm event helps create solid links between everyone involved with the U.S. identity preserved field crop industry: From a crop’s start at the farm, to the processor and across the globe to the plate and fork of a consumer. With the support of Wisconsin soybean checkoff dollars, this event shines the spotlight on the quality product grown throughout the state.

The day’s festivities will kickstart with a facility tour at SB&B Foods in Bloomer. SB&B is a family-owned producer, processor and supplier of safe, reliable, food grade crops to markets around the world. After lunch in Bloomer, during which SSGA and WSMB will give briefings, the group will travel to a local farm, where they will witness firsthand the equipment and technology that makes producing a quality product possible.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in attending, please reach out to Shane Frederick, SSGA manager of strategic programs at It’s a day you won’t want to miss!

The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance is the national association of companies focused on the production, processing and shipping of identity preserved and specialty field crops and their related products worldwide. Learn more at and