soybean news

Wisconsin crush plant taking next steps

Categories: WSA, WSMBPublished On: September 20, 20231.6 min read

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There isn’t an industry that is exempt from paperwork – it’s simply the cost of doing business. 

Thus, the proposed CHS oilseed processing plant in Evansville is working through the paperwork needed to turn the project into reality. 

During a City of Evansville Common Council Meeting on Sept. 12, three applications – annexation, rezoning and comprehensive plan amendment – were passed. This comes after the City of Evansville Planning Commission meeting on Sept. 5, which was attended by Wisconsin Soybean Association (WSA) Vice President Doug Rebout, where it was recommended to approve five applications: annexation, land division, rezoning, conditional use permit and comprehensive plan amendment.  

 “I attended the meeting on behalf of WSA to show support for CHS because this can be a great thing for our local economy and for the state considering the impact it could have on soybeans,” Rebout said. 

According to the American Soybean Association, the U.S. currently supports around 60 crushing plants with a total practical capacity of about 2.2 billion bushels per year; the proposed Evansville plant will process roughly 70 million bushels per year. Because Rock County is the top producer of soybeans in the state, harvesting 6 million of Wisconsin’s total 100 million bushels, Evansville is an optimal location for an oilseed processing facility.  

Before the hearings, WSA President Sara Stelter submitted remarks to the Planning Commission in support of the proposed crush plant. 

On behalf of WSA, which represents the interests of our state’s 14,000 soybean farmers, I’m extending our organization’s full-throated support of CHS’ consideration of a soybean crush facility in Evansville,” Stelter wrote. “This is an exciting development for not just our state’s soybean farmers, but for Evansville’s economy and Wisconsin’s agriculture industry. 

There is a long road ahead before the potential oilseed processing facility becomes brick and mortar. Until then, the Wisconsin Soybean Program will continue providing its support and expertise.