soybean news

WSMB vets to continue directing checkoff program

Categories: WSMBPublished On: September 6, 20231.1 min read

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Farmers know what farmers need.  

That’s why the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board (WSMB), which directs Wisconsin soybean checkoff dollars, is led by seven farmer-leaders. 

These farmer-leaders are elected by their soybean grower peers, with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) presiding over the election. 

On Aug. 31, 2023, two veteran WSMB directors were reelected for another three-year term. Andy Bensend will represent District 1, while Matthew Wagenson represents District 7. Their terms began effective Sept. 1, 2023, through Aug. 31, 2026. 

“I’ve had the pleasure of serving on the board for some time and I really enjoy the opportunity to have a positive influence on the direction of the soybean industry,” said Bensend, who farms in Dallas. “We’re anxiously working towards the potential of a soybean crushing plant in the state, and I’m optimistic about developing additional export capacities through the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway.” 

Established in 1983, WSMB wisely invests checkoff dollars in three key areas: production research, market development and new uses.  

“I enjoy working with my fellow board members and being a voice for Wisconsin farmers by deciding where checkoff dollars go,” said Wagenson, who farms in Bear Creek. “After completing the ASA Corteva Young Leader Program, I felt a lot more confident in running for a position and look forward to the next three years.”