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Reminder: Yield Contest deadline approaching

Categories: WSA, WSMBPublished On: November 29, 20231.4 min read

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Even though soybean harvest has wrapped up, producers still have a lengthy list of “to dos” before the year ends. 

For those Wisconsin soy growers who entered the Wisconsin Soybean Association’s (WSA) Yield Contest, submitting their harvest form is another task to be crossed off. The deadline is right around the corner, so don’t wait – forms must be postmarked or submitted electronically by Friday, Dec. 1. 

“If you submitted an entry form, you already did the hardest part – getting started,” Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board (WSMB) Manager of Strategic Programs Adam Kask said. “The next step is to fill out the harvest for, which requests basic information on planting, pest control and tillage practices, along with the calculation of harvested acres.”  

WSA’s Yield Contest, which is sponsored by WSMB, is an opportunity to highlight Wisconsin’s soy production and encourages the continued development of innovative management practices, showcasing growers and their dedication to improving their operations. 

“The Yield Contest is a novel way for farmers to do research on their own farms, come up with innovative ways to push soybean yield and then be recognized for increasing yields in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner,” WSA Director Shawn Conley said. 

Revamped in 2023 to be more efficient and time-friendly, the contest now accepts measuring wheel and Global Positioning System (GPS) as methods for determining harvest area. And, new this year, is a statewide award for the highest yield from a contestant who implements a planting green system. 

Completed harvest forms can be found here and mailed to Shawn Conley at 1575 Linden Drive, Madison, Wis., 53706 or emailed to Adam Roth at